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Saturday, February 8, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Webmaster at coffeeNwine

Webmaster at coffeeNwine

Hello. I'm Leo Garcia at Coffee N Wine. I'm the person who manages If you have any questions about this site please Contact Me and let me know. I'll be happy to help.

Good News!!! Coffee Drinkers Make Better Lovers

Coffee Drinkers Make Better Lovers - Lets face it, drinking way more coffee could help with our sex lives, improved health and better brain...

Funny Coffee Cartoon Movie

Funny Coffee Cartoon Movie - It takes me a few hours and a whole lot of coffee before I'm totally awake.  Here is a...

Giant Online Coffee Store Closing

Giant Online Coffee Store Closing - Starbucks Corp.’s online store has officially closed its virtual doors. According to "The e-commerce site, which sold Starbucks’ branded...

My People Need Me. This is a Job for Coffee

A Job for Coffee! - I wish a superhero actually existed.  There are days when getting out of bed and getting my day started...

Coffee is Good For You. Coffee Health Benefits

Most people start out their mornings with a cup of coffee to help them wake up and prepare for the day and it now seems as if people have another reason to make sure they start their days with this tasty hot beverage; It is actually good for you.

Can You Tell What Is Wrong With This Coffee Image

Can You Tell What Is Wrong With This Coffee Image

What would you NOT DO for Your Daily Dose of Coffee?

Daily dose of Coffee - I have gone wayyyyy out of my way to be able to stop at my favorite coffee shop, just...

I Need More Coffee Before I Can Function

I Need More Coffee Before I Can Function - I don't know about you. But me, personally before my morning cup of coffee. I just cannot function. What about you?

Baby Making Coffee Video – They Do Start Early This Days

Baby Making Coffee Video - They Do Start Early This Days. Cute baby helping his mom to make coffee.  Cool to watch how he...

No One Likes an Empty Cup of Coffee

No One Likes an Empty Cup of Coffee. There are some things that we just cannot live with.  Things like Mondays, homework, fake friends...

Crowdfunded Perk Machine Quietly Circulating Into Production

Crowdfunded Perk Machine Quietly Circulating Into Production. While the SCA Expo next week will be chock full of fascinating new technologies and launches, in...

Sorry I Drinked All Your Coffee

Sorry I Drinked All Your Coffee. Cool image of a cute puppy dog inside of a coffee cup.  We think that he has drinked all...

Top 13 Wine Tumblr Quotes – Wine Image Quotes to Share

Wine Tumblr Quotes - I have been posting lately on tumblr and I made a bunch of wine image quotes and I was about to...

What is Your Best Ever Coffee Memory Contest

Best Ever Coffee Memory Contest: Well thank you for stopping by to check out our little contest.  We would like to know... What is Your... Best...

Coffee Club Membership For Coffee Lovers

The coffee club membership concept is relatively new but is taking the world by storm. Reward yourself and your friends by joining.

Daily Reasons for a Glass Of Wine

A Glass Of Wine. Its not like we need more reasons to drink wine. But here are some good reasons to have a glass of...

Why Do You Like Wine?

Why Do You Like Wine?  Inquiring nosy people would like to know...  The reasons you like to drink your wine so much. People Who Like...

Honest Coffee Commercials That Will Make You Wonder

Honest Coffee Commercials That Will Make You Wonder - A funny video that puts a spin on our favorite drink, Coffee. Only good marketing...

Coffee Filled Chocolate Cones

Coffee Filled Chocolate Cones: If you would like to get your coffee on, in a unique and new way, you have to try one of...

Replace One Word in a Movie Title with Coffee

Replace One Word in a Movie Title with Coffee

Feature Posts

Coffee Posts for Facebook While Drinking Coffee

Making Coffee Posts for Facebook While Drinking Coffee is one of my greatest joys. Making coffee memes, Quotes, Puns and posting them on Facebook Coffee Page.

Rich Black Coffee A Rich Blend of Healthy Goodness

If you love coffee, you're in for a treat. I'm going to converse with you about some Rich Black Coffee that tastes, smells and looks lovely.

Coffee Machine Problems and Solutions

Coffee Machine Problems happen regardless of the coffee machine you get, you will run across a broken coffee machine that you will have to fix.

Coffee Burn Fat – New University Study Says

Coffee Burn Fat! New Study Says that drinking coffee regularly will help to lose weight. Two universities and getting lots of attention from the study.