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Before I Had My Coffee – I cannot function before I have had my first cup of coffee in the morning. And a lot of coffee lovers can relate and understand this dilemma.
I Am Sorry For What I Said Before I Had My Coffee
Before I have had my life blood, to wake me up… Yes, I’m talking about coffee. I cannot function. What about you? Let us know in the comments below.
I Am Sorry For What I Said Before I Had My Coffee Video
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Other Posts: Keep Calm And Drink Coffee – Top Morning Coffee Quotes That I Liked
What’s It Like Before I Had My Coffee
I’m not awake yet, I kind of stumble from the bedroom to the kitchen. Really do not feel alive until I have had that first cup of morning coffee.

Who am I kidding, I’m not alive until the first pot of coffee. I think I may be just a tad addicted. All I know when I wake up, is that I need coffee.
My addiction may be subconscious, It’s not like I GOTS to have it. All I know it that coffee relaxes me and brings me back from the sleepy land to the awake world.
The minute I have a sip, life makes sense again, I can focus, i can make coherent words. Before I had my coffee, it is entirely possible to have said something rude like “MOVE you are in the way to the coffee” or something just as rude.
Normally I’m very polite and try really hard to use my manners. But that is not before I had my coffee. Please do not come between me and my coffee.
So for me and for all the coffee lovers in the world that can relate to this problem…
” We are Sorry For What We Said Before We Have Had Our Morning Coffee!!! “
Before I Had My Coffee I cannot function. I know this to be a fact. What about you? Post your comments below and let us know.