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Why Coffee Is Good For You ?

Is Coffee A Healthy Drink

Benefits of coffee:

Is coffee a healthy drink?

Is Coffee A Healthy Drink

There are a lot of reasons why coffee is really good for you, coffee isn’t only a nerve stimulant it’s more than that, it’s something really healthy and something that is good for you, here is why it is good for you … :

-2 cup of coffee a day reduce the risk of having prostate cancer of 24%, that is really good. Explanation : “A number of compounds in coffee are thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, including cafestol and kahweol, which have been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth.”

-4 cup of coffee each day lower your chance of having liver cancer a lot ,
coffee is rich in antioxidant which help destroy the free radicals causing cell damage and leading to cancer cell growth.

-Other studies show that coffee can drastically reduce the risk of having Alzheimer disease of 65% and Parkinson disease of 32 to 60%.

Bye , don’t forget to drink coffee !

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