Doctor Said One Glass Of Wine
Doctor said one glass of wine. The old saying is that one glass of wine will keep your doctor away… it must be true since doctors are the ones recommending this to everyone. 🙂

Imagine this… You’re visiting your doctor for a routine check-up.
This isn’t something I’d recommend, incidentally. I believe you should make an appointment only if you feel something’s actually wrong with you. Doctor said one glass of wine.
Anyway, you’ve reached the point where they ask you if you smoke (let’s hope the answer to that one is no).
Invariably, the next question has to do with your drinking habits.
When he or she asks you how much you drink in the course of a week, and you say: “Maybe a couple of glasses of wine with the evening meal… ” the chances are that this will be met with a frown.
“Every night?”
“That’s rather a lot.”
“I’ve read that it might actually be beneficial… ”
Doctor Said One Glass Of Wine
Doctor said one glass of wine. This is where you discover that there’s nothing so contentious as suggesting to a doctor that something as innocent as a glass or two of wine could actually be good for your health
This is where you discover that there’s nothing so contentious as suggesting to a doctor that something as innocent as a glass or two of wine could actually be good for your health. Doctor said one glass of wine.
Back in the 1970s the Framingham Heart Study-a long-term, ongoing cardiovascular study based on over 5,000 healthy men and women aged 30 to 62 in the town of Framingham, Massachusetts-showed that moderate drinkers had 50 per cent fewer deaths from coronary disease than non-drinkers.
A fairly dramatic finding, you’d think.
But the National Institute of Health in the USA decided to remove-and then suppress-the evidence. Doctors know best, you understand.
Doctor Said One Glass Of Wine
Let’s hope your medic is more enlightened.
Doctor said one glass of wine. Over 400 studies worldwide have come to the conclusion that most healthy people who drink wine regularly and moderately live longer. (There’s only one exception: pre-menopausal women with a family history of breast cancer should stay away from ALL alcohol.)
So what’s the secret? Not surprisingly, it’s got everything to do with what they eat and drink. The people of Campodimele get through about a liter of olive oil a week and a couple of glasses of red wine every day.

Doctor Said One Glass Of Wine
Doctor said one glass of wine. Not long ago we heard about a heart specialist in Croydon in the UK, who recommends two glasses of red wine a day to his patients. Dr William McCrea says the antioxidant properties of the wine have cut the risk of a second heart attack by half and the risk of a stroke by 20 per cent.
When Dr McCrea looked at statistics from France he saw that patients suffered far fewer heart attacks-even though they had a lot more fat in their diet and higher rates of smoking. Doctor said one glass of wine.
For more than ten years he has handed out two 125ml glasses of Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon a day on his rounds to 10,000 patients with heart problems.
As well as Cabernet, Dr McCrea recommends young red wines-which have the highest antioxidant concentrations, such as South African Pinot Noir and Shiraz, and Argentinian Malbec.
Wine is good for more than your heart. Recently, Canadian researchers announced that two or three units of wine a day reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 58 per cent.
Doctor Said One Glass Of Wine
Doctor Said One Glass Of Wine. Obviously, moderation is the key. Having more than two glasses of wine won’t do either your heart or your chance of diabetes any good at all. Excess wine drinking is just as bad as an excess of anything else.

Dr Thomas Stuttaford, former medical columnist for The Times and author of To Your Good Health! The Wise Drinker’s Guide, said: “There is no doubt at all that alcohol helps you live longer.
“While it increases the risk of certain cancers such as colon or breast cancer, you are less likely to get other cancers, and heart disease.
“There are numerous studies which bear this out.”
Stuttaford made clear that he was talking about drinking moderate amounts of alcohol.
Finally (in case you wondered if any of this had to do with helping a bad back) you should know that as long ago as 2008 scientists at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago made an interesting discovery. Doctor said one glass of wine.
They found that injecting resveratrol into disc cartilage boosted the levels of a healing substance called proteoglycan, which significantly slowed the rate at which cartilage wastes away.
You can see that this might have a significant effect on back pain. But I think I’d rather absorb my resveratrol from a couple of glasses of red wine.
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