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Awesome Spilled Coffee Art

Awesome Spilled Coffee Art
Awesome Spilled Coffee Art

Awesome Spilled Coffee Art. Coffee’s not just for drinking anymore. It is literally an art form. Spilled Coffee art has two connotations; one is using coffee as the medium to create art while the other one is using coffee as the art.

Awesome Spilled Coffee Art

Awesome Spilled Coffee Art
Awesome Spilled Coffee Art

Awesome Spilled Coffee Art

Awesome Spilled Coffee Art
Awesome Spilled Coffee Art

Awesome Spilled Coffee Art. As espresso and cappuccino lovers can attest pulling a good espresso is in itself an art form; however, the newest wave is coffee art. Literally creating art in the foam and milk as it is poured.

Using coffee as the medium with which to create art is not a totally new concept. Artists have been using it as a wash for many years.

Now however, they are creating total paintings using it, this requires a special process and most artists are reluctant to reveal their secrets.

Coffee as the Art

Creating coffee art, or latte art, requires coordination. After the perfect espresso is in the mug, it’s time to add the milk and create an art piece. The milk has to be poured evenly and consistently as the milk cup or pitcher is shaken back and forth in an even pace.

The trick to making the artwork is to use the stream of pouring milk to draw designs on the top of the coffee. A difficult task to master, but it can be done. Coffee artists compare it to fly fishing. The motions and the steps to create the art have to be perfectly timed in order for it to work.

Coffee art in this aspect is not a piece that can be kept, it will eventually meld together with the espresso, but for the few minutes that it is visible it is simply unique.

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Awesome Spilled Coffee Art

Coffee as the Medium in Art

Awesome Spilled Coffee Art
Awesome Spilled Coffee Art

Awesome Spilled Coffee Art. Using coffee to paint with most probably has been around for age. History records that in China tea was used to make brown backgrounds in paintings, therefore it is just as likely that coffee was experimented with at one point or another.

Using coffee to paint with is an art in experimentation. Adding water in varying amounts brings about different shades. One popular use is to give the old-look effect.

Basically any aspect of a painting that can be enhanced with brown shading works wonderfully. The tones of brown are adjusted by weakening the coffee with water or using a stronger coffee for stronger tones.

Awesome Spilled Coffee Art

A wash over the entire board or watercolor paper can add a canvas effect to the artwork. This is effective when canvas is the desired surface but not practical due to using watercolors.

Awesome Spilled Coffee Art
Awesome Spilled Coffee Art

Awesome Spilled Coffee Art. Watercolor paper is best suited for this as it is intended to hold a wetter medium. Canvas tends to flex and cause the coffee to crack. Plain paper, if mounted on wood can also work; the wood keeps it from flexing.

Using coffee has its challenges. If it doesn’t dry quickly it can develop mold. Additionally, finding the right consistency to use as paint takes practice. If it is too thin it is difficult to control and paint with, if it is too thick it sticks to the brush.

On Art or As Art

Coffee can be the art or can be used to create the art, either way; coffee has come a long way from just sitting in the cup waiting to be consumed.


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