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Your Brain On Coffee
Your Brain On Coffee. Colleges and universities are back in session. That means millions of students nationwide are going to be reaching for their favorite study-time stimulant and morning eye-opener.
Your Brain On Coffee
Coffee is still king of the late-night cram session and early morning course schedule. Of course, the drink helps you feel lucid and sharp. (More on that in a minute.) But coffee’s effects on your brain don’t end there. From your memory to your mood, coffee canoodles with your brain and its chemicals in interesting ways.
- How Coffee Perks You Up
Your Brain On Coffee. Everyone knows caffeine is the stuff in your coffee that keeps you awake and alert—at least for a while. How does it work? It plugs neurochemical receptors in your brain that would normally light up in response to the types of hormones that make you feel tired, shows a study from the U.S. and Italy. - Coffee, Your Memory, and More
Your Brain On Coffee. A study from Johns Hopkins University found swallowing the amount of caffeine in one or two cups of coffee boosts a person’s memory for new information by roughly 10 percent. How? Probably in the same ways caffeine keeps you awake and sharp, explains Michael Yassa, Ph.D., co-author of the Johns Hopkins study. Yassa says caffeine might help ramp up the activity of those brain chemicals involved in memory storage. - Coffee and Your Mood
Your Brain On Coffee. Coffee may help ward off the blues (the serious kind linked to depression). Several research papers have shown the caffeine in coffee may increase the amount and activity of the brain chemical serotonin. Low levels of serotonin have been linked to depression. And this serotonin boost may help explain why a study from the U.K. found people who drink coffee in the morning feel friendlier, happier, and more content.
Other Posts: How Many Calories In Coffee? – How To Make Cuban Coffee – Health Benefits of Coffee
Your Brain On Coffee
On the other hand, too much caffeine can heighten your feelings of tension and anxiety, shows a study from Singapore. It can also crank up your stress levels if you’re already feeling frazzled. “Too much” depends on how much caffeine your system is used to dealing with, the authors say.
So if you’re a two-cup-a-day person, you’d probably have to drink double that amount to feel these negative mood effects. At the same time, if you don’t drink much coffee, smaller doses of caffeine could trigger anxious feelings, the authors say. Your Brain On Coffee.

Your Brain On Coffee
The Bad News
Your Brain On Coffee. Multiple studies have shown caffeine is both habit- and tolerance-forming. That means if your brain gets used to your drinking coffee, you may not be able to think clearly or feel sharp if you abandon your brew.
You may also have to drink more and more coffee to feel like yourself, research suggests. Your Brain On Coffee. But the good news? For most people, there are few downsides to drinking up to 24 ounces of coffee a day, concludes a massive review study from Oregon State University.
So what do you think? Is having Your Brain On Coffee a Good thing? Let us know in the comments below.
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