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Choosing a Wine Fridge Tips
Choosing a Wine Fridge
Choosing a Wine Fridge. Many people these days are turning to U-line wine coolers in order to store all of their favorite...
Rustic Style Coffee Tables Ideas
Rustic Style Coffee Tables Ideas
Rustic Style Coffee Tables Ideas. Decorating in the rustic form is all about connecting with the outdoors. There has always been...
Wine for Beginners
Wine for Beginners. Are you new to wine? Or maybe you've tried your first wine long ago, and just stuck to buying and drinking the...
Taste Test Wine Prank
Taste Test Wine Prank
Taste Test Wine Prank. They added dye to the white wine and made it pass for red wine.
Would you be fooled?...
Every Day Morning Coffee Adventure
Every Day Morning Coffee Adventure
Morning Coffee Adventure means to me what we (coffee and I) can accomplish today. I'm a semi-morning person, I'm awake...
Life is Like a Cup of Coffee
Life is Like a Cup of Coffee
Life is like a cup of coffee. A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together...
5 Reasons You Should Drink Coffee Daily
Drink Coffee Daily. Coffee has gained so much popularity and for many people, coffee is a part of their daily diet. However, not everyone is...
Simple DIY Wine Cork Bulletin Board Ideas
Simple DIY Wine Cork Bulletin Board Ideas. A large cork board can be used to hold posters, playbills, photos and other memorabilia. It can also...
How to avoid a Wine Hangover
How to avoid a Wine Hangover
How to avoid a Wine Hangover. OK, most of us want to enjoy the pleasures of alcohol from time...
Coffee is a Vitamin
Coffee is a Vitamin
Coffee is a Vitamin. One cup of coffee has enough Niacin, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin B2, B5 and Manganese you need in a day.
The Effects of Too Much Coffee
The Effects of Too Much Coffee
The Effects of Too Much Coffee. Most of us have experienced caffeine symptoms at some point in time. These...
Doctor Said One Glass Of Wine
Doctor Said One Glass Of Wine
Doctor said one glass of wine. The old saying is that one glass of wine will keep your doctor...
7 Wine Hangover Cures
7 Wine Hangover Cures
7 Wine Hangover Cures. Why don't we have some wine with our meal this weekend? It sounds like a great idea, but...
Simple DIY Wine Charms
Simple DIY Wine Charms
Simple DIY Wine Charms. Wine glass charms are not only a practical accessory for guests to identify their wine glasses, they also...
How To Mildly Annoy People
How To Mildly Annoy People
How To Mildly Annoy People. Here are some funny videos on How to Mildly Annoy People. And some added ways...
Very Funny Wine Quotes
Very Funny Wine Quotes
Very funny wine quotes for us wine lovers. Wine has been around for a very long time. Come to find out...
9 Things You Did Not Know About Wine
9 Things You Did Not Know About Wine
9 Things You Did Not Know About Wine. The imbibing of alcoholic beverages is an integral part of...
Monday Morning Coffee
Monday Morning Coffee
Monday Morning Coffee. Arrrrrgh! Stupid Mondays! You hate Mondays. Seriously, like why is it Monday AGAIN?
Monday Morning Coffee
Monday Morning Coffee. Didn't you just suffer through...
Awesome Spilled Coffee Art
Awesome Spilled Coffee Art. Coffee's not just for drinking anymore. It is literally an art form. Spilled Coffee art has two connotations; one is...