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Would You Do Some Sketchy Stuff for Some COFFEE?

Would You Do Some Sketchy Stuff for Some COFFEE Image
Would You Do Some Sketchy Stuff for Some COFFEE Image

Sketchy Stuff for Some COFFEE – I have gone wayyyyy out of my way to be able to stop at my favorite coffee shop, just to get my morning dose of coffee.  There are a lots of things I would NOT DO in order to get it though.  Murder, highway robbery, stealing, lying or doing something to harm another.

Would You Do Some Sketchy Stuff for Some COFFEE??

Would You Do Some Sketchy Stuff for Some COFFEE Video

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Baring all the bad stuff (Murder, highway robbery, stealing, lying or doing something to harm another), Here are some things that I would do that may be Sketchy Stuff for Some COFFEE.

  • Would You Do Some Sketchy Stuff for Some COFFEEI would definately go out of my way to get my coffee.
  • Search under the couch for every bit of loose change.
  • I hear you can sign up to some and sometimes several coffee shops apps and get free java.
  • Borrow a couple of bucks to get my Daily Cup of Coffee.
  • Brake into my kids piggy bank 🙂 I’ll put it back.
  • Go to AA meetings just for the free daily dose of coffee.
  • Samples online and offline.  There are companies that will send you samples.  Over and over again if done right.
  • Show up to work with a smile :-), free coffee all day.
  • I would for sure sit at the restaurant just a tad bit longer to enjoy that second cup of coffee or third.
  • Hotels have continental breakfast.  I just may happen to be in the neighborhood.

Other LinksNo One Likes an Empty Cup of Coffee – Replace One Word in a Movie Title with Coffee – Top Morning Coffee Quotes That I Liked

What about you? Would You Do Some Sketchy Stuff for Some COFFEE? What would YOU DO to get it? Let us know in the comments below.

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